
Nrc oversight process
Nrc oversight process

nrc oversight process

After leaving the NRC, chaired the Independent Technical Review Panel chartered by DOE to evaluate safety concerns raised about the planned characterization of Pit 9 at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory.

nrc oversight process

Developed the guidance and managed the NRC review of state and compact implementation plans for low-level waste disposal. Directed and contributed to the regulatory framework for packaging, shipping, and disposing of low-level waste. Low-level Waste - Managed the development of Site Acceptance Methodology for low-level waste disposal.

  • Uranium Mill tailings cleanup and stabilization.
  • High- and low-level radioactive waste management and disposal.
  • Transportation and storage of spent nuclear fuel and other radioactive materials.
  • Medical, industrial, academic, and commercial uses of radioisotopes.
  • Uranium recovery and nuclear fuel fabrication and development.
  • Nuclear Waste and Nuclear Material Regulatory Management - As Director of NRC's Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, he directed the licensing, inspection, and environmental reviews of the following activities regulated by the NRC: During the last two years in that position, he directed all NRC regulatory programs, including the four NRC Regional Offices. Ten years experience as Deputy Executive Director for Operations. government organizations ranging from 10 - 1,500 persons. Management - Twenty years of program management experience with U.S. Thompson has also supported several independent reviews of allegations at NRC licensed facilities, including operating nuclear power plants and fuel cycle facilities. Thompson has provided oversight of the Northeast Utilities search for the lost fuel rods, participated in two due diligence reviews related to nuclear utility mergers, and has provided extensive expert support for the DOE Licensing Support Network for DOE's Yucca Mountain project.

    Nrc oversight process license#

    Provided expert consultation on the licensing requirements for a project being considered to process depleted uranium, the management and disposal of radioactive waste, and the license termination requirements for the West Valley Demonstration Project. Provided expert testimony concerning the regulatory requirements and other factors that would have been involved in the licensing of a very low-level waste disposal site in a NRC Agreement State. Assisted client attorneys during depositions and cross-examination of opposing technical experts. Analyzed testimonies and reports presented by opposing witnesses and assisted client attorneys in preparing interrogatories and discovery requests about these testimonies. Assisted in investigations and an arbitration concerning the prudence of actions taken during the operation of a three-unit nuclear power station in response to a proceeding initiated by minority owners. Naval Academy, 1965Įxecutive Services and Litigation Support. M.S., Nuclear Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1972ī.S., Naval Science, U.S. He also chaired an Independent Technical Review Panel evaluating safety concerns of a planned DOE remediation at a low-level radioactive waste burial site, provided oversight for the search for lost fuel rods at Millstone Unit 1, and supported the restart activities at Honeywell Metropolis Plant.

    nrc oversight process

    Thompson has provided litigation assistance and expert testimony on cases involving NRC regulatory actions. Thompson has been an expert witness in several litigations involving NRC licensees. Thompson has testified before congressional committees and the NRC Commission on issues such as safety issues at nuclear facilities, NRC's HLW program, potential NRC oversight of DOE facilities, and Y2K safety concerns. Thompson has also held the positions of Director of the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Director of the Division of Licensing, and Director of the Division of Human Factors Safety for the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. In that position, he directed the licensing, inspection, and rulemaking activities for all NRC licensed nuclear reactors, the oversight of DOE's high-level radioactive waste program, the decontamination and decommissioning of contaminated sites, and the material licensees regulated by both the 29 Agreement States and the NRC. Thompson was the Deputy Executive Director for Regulatory Programs at the NRC. He has more than 33 years of nuclear safety experience, including senior level management positions at the U.S.

    nrc oversight process

    Before joining Talisman, he was a Senior Nuclear Regulatory Advisor in SCIENTECH's litigation assistance practice. Thompson is a Vice President at Talisman. Appendix B Independent Review Team Member Resumés Hugh L.

    Nrc oversight process